Moon Cycle Counsellor

Moon, menstrual, or period cycle counsellors are trained individuals who can help those who menstruate better understand their cycles, and how they affect their lives. They can provide guidance and strategies to help manage menstrual challenges and improve well-being.

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What is Moon Cycle Counsellor?

Moon, or menstrual cycle counselling works to better help people understand their menstrual cycles, become more in tune with their body cycles, and manage any challenges such as irregular periods, chronic pain, and fertility. ​ Exploring topics such as energetics, diet, or tackling issues such as PMS or PMDD, moon cycle counsellors aim to connect women back to themselves through teaching them how to navigate their way through each of the 4 stages, or seasons of their moon cycle.

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In ancient history, women were in tune with their cycle, and cultivated and harnessed its power in order to pass on wisdom and healing. According to the Cherokee, menstrual blood was a source of feminine strength and had the power to destroy enemies. In parts of Africa, menstrual blood was used in the most powerful magic charms in order to both purify and destroy. In Celtic British culture, post-menopausal women who had retained their 'wisdom blood' were deemed as the wisest within the community. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder, a Roman author and naturalist philosopher referred to menstrual blood as 'miraculum', which meant wonder or curiosity. He even wrote that menstrual blood was helpful as a remedy to contain swelling when made into a liniment for gout, and could be used to relieve headaches when applied to the forehead. Moreover, the ancient Egyptians believed in the power of menstrual blood too, and used it as outdoor fertiliser, which is now proven by science to contain higher levels of essential nutrients such as nitrogen (102%), phosphorus (209%), and potassium (230%), which are beneficial for crop growth.​​ Reconnecting with our cycles has never been more important, especially now that around 10% of women and girls suffer with endometriosis, 8% to13% with PCOS, 5% with PMDD, and 5% to10% with period pain that is severe enough to disrupt one’s life. Pain has now become expectedly commonplace, and we now have access to the natural tools to alleviate it.

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