A lightworker is an awake soul who has made the conscious decision to live in alignment with their soul. They know that we are all interconnected and that their presence has the potential to create a positive change, which they can use to aid others.
What is Lightwork?
A lightworker is someone who can connect you to your soul's higher purpose, and to unite you with a path of life which can change the world around you. Through healing, light language, meditation, ritual, or journaling, a lightworker's guide can help bring you closer to making a conscious and decisive effort to answer the call of the Divine energy.
Lightworkers have incarnated on this planet for thousands of years, whose sole aim is to bring insight and peace amongst this planet. Lightworkers vibrate on a high frequency, knowing within their souls that their purpose on this planet is to help bring others into a world of light. Anyone from a healer, intuitive, teacher, entrepreneur, night club owner, athlete or barista can be a lightworker.