Kundalini Activation Process is a direct energy transmission that activates the process of Kundalini awakening. In a KAP session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realisations.
What is KAP?
Invented by Venant Wong, Kundalini Activation Process is a powerful technique which brings about a direct transmission of energy that awakens and elevates Kundalini energy, our vital energy. The facilitator makes a direct transmission while the participants lie down on a mat with their eyes closed and palms up at the side of their bodies. During the session, the person can experience vibrations, body movement, emotions, ecstatic states, visual experiences. The end result of KAP is a sense of release and euphoria. Through emotional and psychical release, there can be a rise of Kundalini energy, and a space for new personal freedom.