Sacred Men's Work

Sacred Men's Work is a circle of brotherhood where struggles and successes are shared, and support is given and received. Men's spaces are held to allow one another to process emotions, partake in creative processes, and follow ancient practices together. Men's work creates a shift in the enforced restrictions on what a man is allowed to be, what he's allowed to do and feel, how he expresses himself, influences his peers and the next generation.

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What is Sacred Men's Work?

Modern day Sacred Men's Work is the result of a new formed sense of contemporary 'masculinity'. Nowadays, men are shamed for self-expression, portrayals of emotion, for exhibiting affection to one another, for being vulnerable. The resurfacing of men's work is what will help heal these societal wrongdoings. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​In Sacred Men's Work, you can expect group talking, movement, breathwork, chanting, and collective group work. These spaces are for empowerment, for shedding layers of stoicism and shame, for allowing truth to shine through.

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Throughout time, the brotherhood of men has existed and thrived. Group gatherings of males from all ages came together in order to celebrate community, and to cultivate masculine energy. ​ ​ ​ Over the centuries, there have been Rites of Passage groups, Shamanic men's houses, ceremonial gatherings, all in which celebrate the expression of the male collective and pass on spiritual teachings of the brotherhood from father to son.

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