
Tarot is a centuries-old system of divination that combines symbolism and intuition to offer insights into the past, present, and future. Tarot readings are done through a 78-card deck which are drawn and then interpreted by the practitioner in order to answer the seeker's questions or concerns.

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What is Tarot?

During a tarot reading, the practitioner will shuffle and draw your cards based on your questions, topics or situations. Based on the cards and the order in which they have been chosen, they will offer you guidance, messages, and answers through their narratives. ​ ​ ​ ​Tarot readings can be used for insight, clarity, direction and certainty. Their meanings can bring about a sense of peace, drive and wholeness, and can be carried out on their own or alongside other esoteric or holistic practices.

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Invented in the 15th century in Northern Italy, the first tarot cards were originally based on the northern cities of Venice, Milan, Florence, and Urbino. Used for parlour games, the deck consisted four different suit, which then became five later in the century. Italian artists began painting additional cards, creating heavily illustrated trionfi (triumphs) and il matto (the fool) pieces. ​ ​ ​ ​Invented in the 15th century in Northern Italy, the first tarot cards were originally based on the northern cities of Venice, Milan, Florence, and Urbino. Used for parlour games, the deck consisted four different suit, which then became five later in the century. Italian artists began painting additional cards, creating heavily illustrated trionfi (triumphs) and il matto (the fool) pieces.

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